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CPC – Compliance Plate Certificate
We’ve all seen the little badge inside a Haines Hunters with ‘CPC’ stamped onto it. But what does it mean?
CPC stands for Compliance Plate Certification, and essentially it’s a New Zealand audited boatbuilding standard for trailer boats.
Every New Zealand boat manufacturer doesn't need to build their boats to CPC standards...Haines Hunter however is exceptionally proud for our boats to carry the certificate and we fully endorse the programme.
It’s not an easy process though. For a builder to join the CPC programme there is a very stringent acceptance programme and minimum criteria must be met. To benefit trailer boat buyers, the standards each manufacturer has to meet are stringent and highly regulated.
The CPC plate certifies that the boat has been constructed and engineered to specified standards, for safe boating in New Zealand waters.

All Haines Hunter boats are CPC Compliant
All of the CPC audits in New Zealand are carried out by Robin Williams, an MNZ and AMSA accredited ship surveyor.
As the auditor, he inspects every new model that a manufacturer such as Haines Hunter wants to put into CPC. Then, only if all requirements are met, will it be given it a tick of approval.
However, just because a trailer boat receives CPC approval, it isn’t something that it has forever. Haines Hunter needs to maintain records for each NZ Boat Building Standard CPC boat that comes through out factory. This record keeping includes production details, quality control report, who the boat was sold to and date of manufacture. This gives buyers of a second hand boat confidence also further down the line.
CPC Requirements
To achieve CPC approval each boat must offer a minimum two-year structural hull warranty - all Haines Hunter recreational boats come with a 5-Year Structural Hull warranty.
Here at Haines Hunter we have always prided ourselves in building incredibly strong fibreglass trailer boats. The CPC programme details a number of construction standards for items added to the basic hull structure – we’ve always ticked the boxes here!
Not just casting an eye over the boat in the factory. We have to prove it where it matters too, on the water! Haines Hunter also has to water test and certify any new boat model over a 1km course. Though build quality is vitally important, so is the on water performance – something Haines Hunter have always been very proud of.
Vessels up to 6m in length must also have enough positive buoyancy to stay afloat in the event that the boat might get swamped.
Reserve buoyancy is provided in the form of flotation material or air chambers sufficient to prevent the boat from sinking if it does get swamped.
This reserve buoyancy must also include with all passengers clinging to it, the boat having its maximum load and person capacity, and when fitted with the largest motor for which the boat is rated. Add to that all ancillary equipment and gear in their normal position.
There are requirements for the fuel system too. These apply to stern drive fixed fuel installations and fixed fuel installation for outboard motors.
This includes fuel tanks, level of tank contents, tank support, deck fill, tank venting, fuel line material, size of fuel line and installation.
There is also a recommended minimum safety equipment required. Firstly, a sticker – usually attached near the instrument panel –, which recommends the minimum safety equipment that, should be carried on-board.
Secondly, CPC specifies the equipment fitted such as navigation lights (to IMO standards) isolation switch or switches, bilge pumps, fuel tanks and fuel delivery system to promote safe on the water performance.
A CPC rated trailer boat must also state the maximum adult passenger capacity and maximum engine horsepower rating.
If a motor is fitted to the boat, above the stated horsepower capacity, it means the boat will then not comply with the NZ Boat Building Standard CPC.
The Compliance Code is designed to help provide confidence for boat owners when purchasing a new trailer boat, fishing boat knowing that the boat we have is built to the highest safety standards. For more, talk to your nearest Haines Hunter dealer.
The Compliance Code is designed to help provide confidence for boat owners when purchasing a new trailer boat, fishing boat knowing that the boat we have is built to the highest safety standards. For more, talk to your nearest Haines Hunter dealer. And remember, the Ride Just Gets Better.
Standard CPC Programme provides:
• Approved materials & structural design
- Built safer & stronger
• Sets standards for:
- Fuel & electrical systems
- Bilge pumps
- Safe on the water performance
• Vessels up to 6 metres unsinkable if swamped.
• Two year structural guarantee
• Coastguard NZ endorsement
• Designed & built for NZ conditions
• Recommended horsepower rating
• Recommended people loading rating
• Higher resale value
• Making for safer boating